The people behind Netflix have revealed their true colours, they want pedophilia normalized in society and they’re attempting to achieve that goal by sexualizing young children in highly promoted films. Their latest release “Cuties” follows the life of an 11 year old girl who forms a twerking dance group that dancing in from of adult audiences. If some of these same scenes were not made by Netflix but someone else and found on your computer you would be investigated by the FBI for being in possession of child pornography. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why Netflix needs to be boycotted and exposed before they achieve their ultimate goal of normalizing the pedophilia and the sexualization of young children! WATCH ON BITCHUTE ➜ WATCH ON FLOTE ➜ WATCH ON LBRY ➜!:7?r=Asz58NjXpW5PQbcZm1V3LyXr47GbA16s WATCH ON MINDS ➜

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