bilderberg 2006 Part 2
This is me chatting with Alex Jones at Parliment Hill in Ottawa about symbolism, the occult and Bilderberg members.

New Smoking Gun!!! 911 2007
This is an interview given by a man who was in WTC2. He witnessed fires in the elevators before a plane hit!!

911 2007 a speech by Daniel Sunjata
Award winning actor Daniel Sunjata and FX Series Rescue Me star as well as 2003 Tony Nominee and 2003 Theatre World Award Winner for Take Me Out. This man knows the truth that 911 was an inside job.

911 2007 the end of a long day
I drove from Toronto to New York and had a long day of truth action on the 6th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Daniel Estulin Bilderberg list 2006
Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin provides a list of the Bilderberg attendee’s in Ottawa Canada 2006.

Bilderberg member caught on tape
This is a Bilderberg member who came out for a stroll, notice how he covers his name tag, also at one point he looks right into my camera, smirks and shakes his head (1:28). I am not positive on his identity, but it could be Adrian Wooldridge (economist)