Dan Dicks from Press for Truth Confronting Jean Chretien

After seeing Chretien receive a copy of Loose change final cut in Vancouver I went to Indigo books along with Toronto911truth and White Buffalo films,on December 8th 2007 to ask him a few questions

Meet the Candidates Part 2: Olivia Chow

Recently, I attended a Meet the Candidates night in the riding of Trinity-Spadina along with Steve Davies where we attempted to speak with each of the candidates about the SPP and give them a copy of The Nation’s Deathbed. After being told we couldn’t film inside at the event, we took our interview outside where we followed up on questions we asked Olivia over a year ago. Please visit http://pressfortruth.ca/ for more info.

Can I see your ID?

This is me and my friend being confronted by security and the police on three separate occasions, all because we were investigating a Bilderberg meeting. (cop scene is extended)

Bilderberg 2006 Part 3

Alex Jones shows up at the Bilderberg meeting in Ottawa Canada

Montebello- Talking with Police

This is me trying to figure out how much the police know about what they are involved with.

SPP Protest-cops everywhere!

In Ottawa the Police presence was insane! Can you say police state Canada? Sorry for the shaky camera in the first scene.

bilderberg 2006 Part 2

This is me chatting with Alex Jones at Parliment Hill in Ottawa about symbolism, the occult and Bilderberg members.

New Smoking Gun!!! 911 2007

This is an interview given by a man who was in WTC2. He witnessed fires in the elevators before a plane hit!!