The Nation’s Deathbed Canada Day DVD Giveaway – TORONTO
On July 1rst 2009 Canadian patriots from all across the country joined each other in a nation wide event to spread awareness about the SPP and the agenda for a North American Union. 600 copies of “The Nation’s Deathbed” were handed out on the streets of Toronto and many more were given away all across the nation.
Never doubt what a handful of dedicated people can achieve 🙂

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Dan Dicks: Exposing The New World Order Agenda 3/3
This is an interview I did where I was asked about the following topics: The North American Union, the Bilderberg group, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the New World Order, the New age movement, pyramids, the all seeing eye, the Bible, conditioning the masses, order out of chaos, and more…
For more information visit

The Shot Is The Pandemic Part 2/2: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC
Toronto Truth Seeker and Press For Truth reporter Vijay Sarma is interviewed by the CBC on the issue of Swine flu vaccinations.

Watch how the CBC spun this story:

Links we sent CBC concerning H1N1 mutation:

Download flyers, posters and more:

Download legal vaccine exemption forms:

For more information visit:

Swine Flu Vaccines – Order Out Of Chaos:

Vijay Sarma: Stopping The North American Union 1/4
This is an interview with Vijay Sarma, journalist, activist, artist and philosopher. In this interview Vijay discusses the reality of the North American Union. Vijay has been actively exposing the activities of the global elite for many years. He is a Canadian nationalist and a true patriot of this country. .
For more information visit:
Vijay’s blog

Press For Truth continues coverage of H1N1 vaccinations in Toronto
Press For Truth cover the 4th day of H1N1 vaccinations in Toronto.
The numbers are considerably down from just 4 days ago and now Canadian officials are ramping up their efforts to get people to take the shot by expanding clinics into the workplace and schools. Another tactic they are using is to claim that there is a shortage. This is a marketing technique which causes people to rush out and line up because of the shortage. You will see similar techniques used by companies like PlayStation and Nintendo. They claim that they can not keep up with the demand and the result is people flock to the stores to make sure that they get theirs before its all gone.
The good news is the fact that they have to employ these tactics means that people are waking up more and more to the dangers of mass inoculations.

Press For Truth covers Day 1 of H1N1 vaccinations in Toronto

Download legal vaccine exemption forms:

Dowload flyers, posters and more:

The Shot Is The Pandemic: Swine Flu Vaccines And The CBC
Part 1
Part 2

Swine Flu Vaccines: Order Out Of Chaos

For more information visit:

(Sorry about the audio buzz…we had technical difficulties with the microphone).

Vijay Sarma: Stopping The North American Union 2/4
This is an interview with Vijay Sarma, journalist, activist, artist and philosopher. In this interview Vijay discusses the reality of the North American Union. Vijay has been actively exposing the activities of the global elite for many years. He is a Canadian nationalist and a true patriot of this country. Vijay is also a member of Press for Truth.
For more information visit:
and you can check out Vijay’s blog right here:

Swine Flu Vaccines – Order Out Of Chaos
Swine Flu Vaccines – Order Out Of Chaos
Don’t take the shot!

There are hard core Eugenicists at the highest levels of government.

Eugenics can be described as the practice of eliminating “unwanted” DNA types from the human population.
Hitler was a Eugenicist. He believed that the Jews,blacks, homosexuals,mentally challenged, people with a low IQ etc. should be eliminated from the population. The nazi war machine began murdering millions of innocent people because they felt that they were creating a better world for the future.

The current global elite believe in the same thing, however they learned that population reduction can not be achieved through brute force (the way Hitler tried to do it). They learned to operate through stealth and that they could secretly reduce the global population by utilizing propaganda to get the people to willingly go along with the eugenics program without even knowing it.
They also learned that keeping people sick without them knowing why is extremely profitable. This can be achieved by things like GM foods (genetically modified), fluoridated water, and mass vaccinations.

There is a pile of evidence that indicates that the flu shot contains dangerous amounts of Mercury and other components which can cause cancer, autism and many other fatal diseases.
In the 1970’s there was a so called “flu pandemic” and vaccines were distributed. It turned out that only 1 person died from that particular flu, but 25 people died from the vaccine for that same flu!
Also in the early 90’s soldiers who fought in the Gulf War, returned home and many of them had “Gulf War Syndrome” as a direct result of the forced vaccines.
Ever since parents began vaccinating their babies, the amount of children with autism went through the roof because researchers have discovered a direct link between vaccinations and autism and also a direct link to mass vaccines and the rise of cancer patients. But you will never hear of this from mainstream media because they have been bought off by big government many many years ago.

The bottom line is the “global elite” along with “big pharma” are not looking out for the best interest of it’s people. They are in fact eugenicists, who have a vested interest in keeping us sick and also reducing the global population to more manageable numbers.

Don’t take the shot !!
For more information visit:

Trailer for “United We Fall”

Vijay Sarma: Stopping The North American Union 3/4
This is an interview with Vijay Sarma, journalist, activist, artist and philosopher. In this interview Vijay discusses the reality of the North American Union. Vijay has been actively exposing the activities of the global elite for many years. He is a Canadian nationalist and a true patriot of this country. Vijay is also a member of Press for Truth.
For more information visit:
and you can check out Vijay’s blog right here:

Press for Truth interviews KRS – One
Press for Truth was invited to a media only press conference for KRS – One. PFT reporter Vijay Sarma asked KRS – One how to bridge the gap between the truth movement and the mainstream.

Filmed by: Dan Dicks
Interviewed by: Vijay Sarma
Edited by: Steve Davies &
Dan Dicks

Vijay Sarma’s blog:

Press for Truth

A Voice for Canadians – Richard Syrett 2/4
Richard has been producing fresh, compelling and provocative talk radio in Toronto, North Americas fourth largest market, for nearly 20 years. After graduating top of his class from Centennial Colleges Radio and Television Broadcasting Program in 1992 he began working almost immediately at one of North Americas blowtorch stations, the legendary CFRB AM 1010. In 1999 he took over the microphone for the first time with his own talk show and by 2000, his arcane Sunday night program examining political intrigue, the dark side of geo-politics, cover-ups, corruption, alternative energy, alternative health and unexplained phenomenon, had become an appointment tune. In early 2007 Richard began to host five nights a week on CFRB1010. Over its two year run, it garnered a dedicated, even zealous, following. He consistently beat his rival in the market, the behemoth Coast to Coast by as much as 2 share points.
You can listen to Richard’s new show on Glastonbury Radio
Wednesday 9-11am
Thursday 1-3am
Monday 7-9am and 8-10pm…

For more information about the topics discussed in this interview please visit