Press For Truth Assaulted By Security Thug While Covering Al Gore Event/Climategate
UPDATE: Press For Truth follow up video:

I recently attended an Al Gore event here in Toronto Canada to cover the latest information regarding climate change. We were there no longer than one hour when security guards kicked us off the grounds. We left their private property and proceeded to the public sidewalk outside their property line. Thats when one security guard assaulted my camera man/ PFT member Mark and almost broke my camera. I could see the red and white in his hands as he squeezed my camera in an effort to break it. This goes to show the unprecedented lengths authorities will go to in order to silence alternative media. Truth is on the rise. We are clearly having an effect in this information war and the time to stand up against the new world order is upon us now more than ever.
Fight the good fight,
Press for Truth.
For more information visit:

The Shot Is The Pandemic Part 1/2: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC
I was recently contacted by the CBC for an interview regarding swine flu vaccines. After doing a 20 minute phone interview, I set it up for the CBC to come film our street actions with Toronto Truth Seekers. The CBC spent an hour and a half with us gathering information for their story on swine flu vaccinations. Press For Truth documented everything.

Download flyers, posters and more:

Download legal vaccine exemption forms:

For more information visit:

Swine Flu Vaccines – Order Out Of Chaos:

“United We Fall” – Trailer
Press for Truth proudly presents “United We Fall”

United We Fall is a film which explores the agenda for a North American Union and a One World Government.
We present information from all sides of the issue by speaking with both politicians and academics as well as investigative journalists and political activists.
Will a North American Union be beneficial to you and your family, or will it be the downfall of three sovereign nations?
You be the Judge.
Coming in 2010
Visit our Facebook group:

For more information visit:

Vijay Sarma: Stopping The North American Union 4/4
This is an interview with Vijay Sarma, journalist, activist, artist and philosopher. In this interview Vijay discusses the reality of the North American Union. Vijay has been actively exposing the activities of the global elite for many years. He is a Canadian nationalist and a true patriot of this country. Vijay is also a member of Press for Truth.
For more information visit:
and you can check out Vijay’s blog right here:

Canadian Action Party leader Dr. Andrew Moulden discusses the North American Union 3/3
This is a first look at the new leader of the Canadian Action Party Dr. Andrew Moulden.
Dr. Moulden is an Ontario Graduate scholar, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Research Counsel of Canada scholar, Ontario Mental Health Foundation scholar, I.O.D.E. International Order of the Daughters of the Empire scholar, and graduated at the very top of the class during his BA, MA, and PhD degrees. He has received over 27 awards for biomedical research, clinical, teaching, and academic excellence. His philosophy is Its not about being better than ones fellow man, its about helping ones fellow man become better.
We asked Dr. Moulden about his views on the North American Union and what Canadians can do to stop it.

For more information visit

The Collection – Illuminati artifacts rare documents/books and info on the New World Order
These are some of the documents and books Ive collected during my research on the agenda for a new world order.

(Video blog 1)

There are Big Things in Store for Canada:

Trailer for The Nations Deathbed:

Full Film:

For more information visit:

George Bush and Bill Clinton Invade Toronto
I recently went to the George Bush and Bill Clinton event at the Toronto metro convention centre to document the protest and to join the many people who are aware of the false left /right paradigm and the elites plan for a New World Order.
Toronto has new people waking up everyday.
Join the movement!
Fight the good fight!

Trailer for “The Nation’s Deathbed”

Full film here

For more information visit

Canadian Action Party leader Dr. Andrew Moulden discusses the North American Union 2/3
This is a first look at the new leader of the Canadian Action Party Dr. Andrew Moulden.
Dr. Moulden is an Ontario Graduate scholar, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Research Counsel of Canada scholar, Ontario Mental Health Foundation scholar, I.O.D.E. International Order of the Daughters of the Empire scholar, and graduated at the very top of the class during his BA, MA, and PhD degrees. He has received over 27 awards for biomedical research, clinical, teaching, and academic excellence. His philosophy is Its not about being better than ones fellow man, its about helping ones fellow man become better.
We asked Dr. Moulden about his views on the North American Union and what Canadians can do to stop it.

For more information visit

The Nation’s Deathbed Canada Day DVD Giveaway!
Press for Truth presents: The Nation’s Deathbed Canada Day DVD Giveaway!
While they give away our sovereignty we give away the truth!

Join us on Canada Day, July 1st 2009 in downtown Toronto for a mass distribution of the most important documentary in Canadian history.
Come to Dundas Square (Yonge & Dundas) at 1pm and join us in an effort to inform our fellow Canadians and to save this country.
If you cannot attend in Toronto, hold events in your town to help spread the word. Burn copies of the film and hand them out to everyone. This Canada day, let’s make history! Stop the SPP! Stop the NAU!

To attend in Toronto visit:

To attend in Ottawa visit:

To attend in London visit:

To attend in Edmonton visit:

To attend in Victoria BC visit:

More links may come soon.
If you have organized an event in your town please send me the link and I will include it here.

There will be a showing of The Nation’s Deathbed in Ottawa on Tuesday June 30th at Saint Paul University…223 Main Street from 7 to 9pm. Special thanks to Matt and all the rest of the Ottawa crew:

Thank you to everyone else who has contributed to this event.
Keep up the great work,
fight the good fight,

Canada is on the brink of extinction. The Nations Deathbed is at hand. Will you allow the global elite to pull the plug? Or, will you be a part of the revival, the likes of which this nation has never seen.
The Nations Deathbed is a documentary about the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership), the protest that occurred in Montebello Quebec in August of 2007 and how it all ties into the agenda for a North American Union.
This film reveals the true story of the horrific events that transpired in Montebello and it is a must see for anyone who truly wants to be informed about the issues that we face as a nation.
View the full film here:

Dan Dicks: Exposing The New World Order Agenda 2/3
This is an interview I did where I was asked about the following topics: The North American Union, the Bilderberg group, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the New World Order, the New age movement, pyramids, the all seeing eye, the Bible, conditioning the masses, order out of chaos, and more…
For more information visit