United We Fall Part 1 of 12

Support the film makers by owning it on DVD http://www.pressfortruth.ca/dvd_dtls.php?rid=1
A film by Bryan Law and Dan Dicks “United We Fall” is a documentary about the North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. In recent years, the mood has shifted and a rift is developing between those who want a Deeply Integrated North American Community, and those who wish to retain their national sovereignty. This film takes a look at both sides by interviewing both insiders and activists who have been at the heart of this heated debate. The film also looks to the broader agenda of building a world government and its implications. Featured Interviews: Robert Pastor (Council on Foreign Relations), Allan Gotlieb (Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg) Herbert Grubel (Creator of the “Amero”) Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change) Dan Dicks (Press For Truth) Vijay Sarma (Political Activist, Independent Journalist) Dr. Andrew Moulden (Canadian Action Party) Richard Syrett (Talk Radio Host)

United We Fall

Three Nations.
Two Sides.
One Union.

Directed by Bryan Law
Produced by Dan Dicks & Bryan Law

United We Fall on DVD includes over two hours of special features such as deleted scenes, Director/Producer commentary, behind the music and more.
Own your copy on DVD and then make copies and give them to your friends, family members and complete strangers.
For more information visit: http://www.pressfortruth.ca/dvd_dtls.php?rid=1

G20 Toronto – Order Out Of Chaos

In the eyes of the global elite it is time for Canadians to be whipped into a state of fear in order to accept the increasing police state under big brothers watchful eye and to move us another step closer to a North American Union and a One World Government. Their favorite tactic in this sinister agenda is to manipulate the masses into begging for their own slavery. This is often achieved incrementally by utilizing their theory of “order out of chaos”.
That is precisely why fire bombings and acts of vandalism along with the destructive and violent tactics of the Black Block amount to nothing more than FUEL FOR THE FIRE. The global elite who manipulate the masses need that clash. They want us to get violent, they want us to destroy property, and they need that excuse to achieve their next level of tyranny here in Toronto Canada. If there is no real threat then they simply create one. In 2007 at a summit in Montebello Quebec 3 police officers were caught red handed engaging in agent provocateur activities. They were dressed as aggressive protesters with rocks in their hands in an attempt to incite violence which in turn provided an excuse for the riot police to shut down the otherwise peaceful protest. The event is documented in my last film “The Nation’s Deathbed”. The RCMP and CSIS have a history of using false flag operations to manipulate the masses. In August of 2003 the RCMP along with CSIS arrested 24 men in Toronto with allegations that they were a terrorist network that was planning to blow up a nuclear facility as well as bomb the CN tower! All 24 men were eventually proven innocent and all charges were dropped. But while they were being held, there was a “media frenzy fear mongering campaign” about how Canadian cities are no longer safe from “terrorist”. The front page of every newspaper at the time was filled with things like “Terror has arrived in Canada” and “Are we safe?” But when the men were finally proven innocent, it was barely mentioned in the back of newspapers. So the masses have been conditioned to believe that there is a threat from terrorists, when in fact those men were set up! The whole thing was manufactured by CSIS and the RCMP!

Now that Canadians have been conditioned for an attack the Canadian government can get away with spending 1 Billion dollars on security for the G8 and G20 summits next month! When the G20 arrived in Pittsburgh last year the tab for security was a hefty 18 million. At the G20 summit in London the costs for security ran up to a whopping 30 million dollars. But here in Canada over 1 Billion dollars of the Canadian taxpayer’s money will pay for the 10,000 police and the 1,000 private security firms who are contracted for security in Toronto. The Toronto Police have recently announced that they have purchased 4 LRAD weapons to be used on the people of Toronto. LRAD stands for Long Range Acoustic Device and they were originally deployed in Iraq. Sound cannons that were developed for war will now be used on Canadian citizens. The human threshold for pain is 110 db however these LRAD cannons can output up to 155 db which can produce permanent ear damage and temporarily disrupt vision.

It will be a sad day in Canadian history when the people of this country have to wear gas masks, goggles and ear plugs in order to voice their displeasure about the international banksters who are coming to our city with the goal of moving one step closer towards their vision of a New World Order. We will continue our extensive coverage leading up to and on the weekend of the G8 and G20 summits. Stay tuned to pressfortruth.ca for more updates as the situation develops.

G20 Toronto — Provocateurs, Metal Cages and the Global Elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLpKSAZ5qiI

Press For Truth Arrested While Reporting On The G20:

Police State Toronto – Terror Drill Caught On Tape:

The Nation’s Deathbed:


G20 Toronto – Can I See Your ID?

Written by Dan Dicks
The rights of Canadians have been pushed aside during the G20 summit as a result of the “Public Works Protection Act” which gives police powers to stop, search and potentially arrest anyone at almost any given time. The law which has recently been expanded for the G20 less than a week ago gives police the ability to arrest anyone within 5 meters of the security fence. However as PFT reporter Bryan Law recently found out, their idea of 5 meters differs greatly from conventional measurements.
If you happen to be involved with one of the 5 major media conglomerates here in Canada then you will not have a problem. But if you are a member of an independent media outlet like Press for Truth than you can expect a rigorous security check in almost any area of the city. The loss of freedoms is often achieved incrementally and we must oppose these unconstitutional steps towards tyranny at every given chance. Today it’s 5 meters, tomorrow it’s 10 and before you know it Toronto will be transformed into a police state where everything that we Canadians stand for and have fought for will be taken away in an effort to further control and micromanage our lives.
We here at Press for Truth will continue to document and expose these draconian measures in order to show the world what the mainstream media isn’t covering.
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell

G20 Toronto — Charlie Veitch Arrested and Luke Rudkowski Denied Entry into Canada Part 1 of 2:

G20 Toronto — Charlie Veitch Arrested and Luke Rudkowski Denied Entry into Canada Part 2 of 2

For more information visit:

G20 Toronto — Charlie Veitch Arrested and Luke Rudkowski Denied Entry into Canada Part 1 of 2

Written by Dan Dicks
On Thursday June 24 I was joined by Charlie Veitch of The Love Police in downtown Toronto to document the G20 summit. This is Charlie’s first time in Canada so we took him on a Toronto G20 tour. While using his megaphone to inform the people of Toronto about G20 related issues we were surrounded by police who demanded our identification. When Charlie stated that he wishes to remain anonymous he was immediately detained and placed under arrest. The officer stated that Charlie was being detained under the “public works protection act” for failing to identify himself.
Meanwhile Luke Rudkowski was detained at the Canadian border and denied access into the country. He has been targeted by the Canadian government because of his work with wearechange.org and infowars.com
Charlie and Luke are true patriots whose tireless efforts have inspired truth seekers worldwide. I am ashamed of the Canadian government and their treatment of these law abiding citizens whose only intentions were to educate the masses and to voice their displeasure about the G20 summit.
To learn more about the works of Luke Rudkowski and Charlie Veitch visit:

For more information visit:

United We Fall part 9 of 12

Support the film makers by owning it on DVD http://www.pressfortruth.ca/dvd_dtls.php?rid=1
A film by Bryan Law and Dan Dicks “United We Fall” is a documentary about the North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. In recent years, the mood has shifted and a rift is developing between those who want a Deeply Integrated North American Community, and those who wish to retain their national sovereignty. This film takes a look at both sides by interviewing both insiders and activists who have been at the heart of this heated debate. The film also looks to the broader agenda of building a world government and its implications. Featured Interviews: Robert Pastor (Council on Foreign Relations), Allan Gotlieb (Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg) Herbert Grubel (Creator of the “Amero”) Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change) Dan Dicks (Press For Truth) Vijay Sarma (Political Activist, Independent Journalist) Dr. Andrew Moulden (Canadian Action Party) Richard Syrett (Talk Radio Host)

United We Fall

Three Nations.
Two Sides.
One Union.

Directed by Bryan Law
Produced by Dan Dicks & Bryan Law

United We Fall on DVD includes over two hours of special features such as deleted scenes, Director/Producer commentary, behind the music and more.
Own your copy on DVD and then make copies and give them to your friends, family members and complete strangers.
For more information visit: http://www.pressfortruth.ca/dvd_dtls.php?rid=1

United We Fall Part 3 of 12

Support the film makers by owning it on DVD http://www.pressfortruth.ca/dvd_dtls.php?rid=1
A film by Bryan Law and Dan Dicks “United We Fall” is a documentary about the North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. In recent years, the mood has shifted and a rift is developing between those who want a Deeply Integrated North American Community, and those who wish to retain their national sovereignty. This film takes a look at both sides by interviewing both insiders and activists who have been at the heart of this heated debate. The film also looks to the broader agenda of building a world government and its implications. Featured Interviews: Robert Pastor (Council on Foreign Relations), Allan Gotlieb (Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg) Herbert Grubel (Creator of the “Amero”) Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change) Dan Dicks (Press For Truth) Vijay Sarma (Political Activist, Independent Journalist) Dr. Andrew Moulden (Canadian Action Party) Richard Syrett (Talk Radio Host)

United We Fall

Three Nations.
Two Sides.
One Union.

Directed by Bryan Law
Produced by Dan Dicks & Bryan Law

United We Fall on DVD includes over two hours of special features such as deleted scenes, Director/Producer commentary, behind the music and more.
Own your copy on DVD and then make copies and give them to your friends, family members and complete strangers.
For more information visit: http://www.pressfortruth.ca/dvd_dtls.php?rid=1

G20 Toronto — Provocateurs, Metal Cages and the Global Elite

With just one week left until the international banksters invade Toronto I went downtown with PFT members Steven Davies and Bryan Law to document all the activity surrounding the up and coming G20 summit. Three meter high metal fences surround the inner security perimeter known as “the red zone” and thousands of police have already taken to the streets in an unprecedented show of force.
While reporting near the CN tower I was surrounded by police who wanted to know who I was and what I was doing. I took the opportunity to inform them about our freedom of speech, freedom of the press, agent provocateurs and the difference between the mainstream media and Press For Truth. They eventually backed off (a few feet) and we continued our report.
For more information as the situation develops stay tuned to Press For Truth for our extensive coverage of the G8 and G20 summits.

Press For Truth Arrested While Reporting On The G20 Summit

G20 Toronto – Order Out Of Chaos

Police State Toronto – Terror Drill Caught On Tape

For more information visit:

Premiere Screening of “United We Fall” at the Bloor Cinema!

Press For Truth invites you to the Premiere Screening of United We Fall at the Bloor Cinema on Friday June 18th 7:00pm

United We Fall is a documentary about a North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. In recent years, the mood has shifted and a rift is developing between those who want a deeply integrated North American community, and those who wish to retain their national sovereignty.
This film takes a look at both sides of the issue by interviewing insiders such as members of the secretive Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission and the Council On Foreign Relations and also journalists and activists such as Luke Rudkowski, Alex Jones and producer Dan Dicks who have been at the heart of this heated debate. The film also explores the global elite’s broader agenda for the formation of a One World Government.

Will a North American Union be beneficial to you and your family, or will it be the downfall of three sovereign nations? You be the judge.

United We Fall.
Three Nations. Two Sides. One Union.

Richard Syrett, host of The Conspiracy Show on AM740 will be conducting a Q&A session before the film, starting at 6:40pm. Filmmakers Dan Dicks and Bryan Law will be conducting a Q&A session after the film. There will also be continued discussion at a local pub across the street from the Bloor Cinema when things wrap up. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

This is a very special event. We’ve chosen the BLOOR CINEMA for this night as we’re hoping 800+ people come out to support and take part in the film screening event of the year! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!

Tickets for this event are $10 each and can be secured several ways:
1) Purchase your tickets at Conspiracy Culture http://conspiracyculture.com/
2) Purchase your tickets over the phone using a credit card (MC/Visa) 416.916.1696
3) Purchase your tickets at the Bloor Cinema on the night of the event
4) Purchase your tickets right now at PressForTruth.ca via Paypal

You can also hold on to your ticket stub after the film and bring it back to Conspiracy Culture at a later date to receive 25% off a book or DVD.

All ticket sales are final

Event Times:
Box office & doors open at 6:30pm
Movie starts at 7pm
The event is general admission seating

Event Location:
The Bloor Cinema – 506 Bloor Street West – Toronto

Invite you friends:

For more information visit:

Press For Truth Arrested While Reporting On The G20 Summit

On Sunday May 2nd I went to 4 different locations to report on the upcoming G20 summit along with PFT members Bryan Law and Steve Davies. We visited the Metro Toronto Convention Center (site of the summit), Trinity Bellwoods Park (designated free speech zone) The Toronto Film Studios (temporary holding facility for arrests made during the G20) and also the Financial District.
While shooting footage for our report in the financial district camera man and PFT reporter Bryan Law was approached by private security who asked for his ID even though he was on a public sidewalk and was doing nothing illegal. When Bryan refused to submit his identification Toronto Police were called and Bryan was placed under arrest and illegally searched and detained under the pretext of heightened security due to the upcoming G20 summit.

Under the Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms we have freedom of the press (section 2) freedom from arbitrary detainment (section 9) and rights from unreasonable search and seizure (section 8) all of which were violated by the Toronto Police force. We live in a country where you do not have to submit your identification to police when you have done nothing illegal. In countries like China and Columbia you must submit your papers upon request but this is Canada and we are protected under the Canadian Constitution against tyrannical tactics of fear and submission…or at least I thought we were. Press For Truth will be taking the matter to court because we feel that if it can happen to us then it can happen to anyone and our rights must be upheld regardless of the fact that the G20 summit is coming to town. The erosion of our freedoms is often achieved incrementally so we must oppose these changes at every step of the way.

At a town hall meeting for the G20 summit we questioned Constable George Tucker who is in charge of the Toronto Police Unit and is working with the Integrated Security Unit which is an amalgamation of RCMP, OPP, Toronto Police Service, Military and CSIS. PFT reporter Steve Davies asked Constable Tucker if in the case of an abuse of authority by one of the many private security firms who will be present at the G20 summit, who will hold them accountable? Constable Tucker assured us that private security will not have the same powers as the police and if a situation were to arise, he stated on the record, that the offending firm will be held accountable.

I mentioned to Constable Tucker that in 2007 at a summit in Montebello Quebec 3 police officers were caught as agent provocateurs who were dressed as aggressive protesters with rocks in their hands in an attempt to incite violence at the otherwise peaceful protest. I asked him if he could assure to me that the Toronto Police force will NOT engage in any agent provocateur tactics at the G20 summit. He eventually answered the question by stating I am not at liberty to discuss security issues in an open format.

By the end of it all we had went into the red zone, the free speech zone, the holding facility and the financial district. We questioned Constable Tucker about agent provocateurs and the role of private security and we got arrested for filming on a public sidewalk. Rest assured Press For Truth will continue our extensive coverage of the G20 summit. Our goal will be to show the world what is really happening as it happens on the weekend of June 25th, 26th and 27th. Our weapon in this infowar is the camera. The lens of the camera will be our eyes. We are peaceful and we are vigilant. We dont shoot bullets…we shoot frames. This is the Information Revolution and we are the Press For Truth.

For more information visit:

Check out our last film where we document the agent provocateur situation from the SPP Summit in Montebello Quebec:

To see the full town hall meeting visit: