Press For Truth Covers The 9th Anniversary of The September 11th Attacks
On the 9th anniversary of the September 11th attacks Press For Truth joined up with members of to hand out information in an effort to inform our fellow Canadians about the events of that day and to push for a new investigation into 911.

For more information visit:

United We Fall on DVD:

United We Fall – Dan Dicks on The Alex Jones Show 1/3
Alex talks with Dan Dicks, founder of the alternative media group based in Toronto known as Press For Truth. Dicks and Bryan Law have released United We Fall, a documentary covering the prospect of a North American Union that will result in the loss of national sovereignty for Americans and Canadians.

United We Fall on DVD includes over two hours of special features such as deleted scenes, Director/Producer commentary, behind the music and more. Own your copy on DVD and then make copies and give them to your friends, family members and complete strangers. Support the film makers and get your copy on DVD:

Watch the full film right here:

A film by Bryan Law and Dan Dicks, United We Fall is a documentary about the North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States and Mexico. For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. In recent years, the mood has shifted and a rift is developing between those who want a deeply integrated North American community, and those who wish to retain their national sovereignty. This film takes a look at both sides by interviewing both insiders and activists who have been at the heart of this heated debate. The film also looks to the broader agenda of building a world government and its implications.

Featured Interviews:

Robert Pastor (Council on Foreign Relations)
Allan Gotlieb (Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg)
Herbert Grubel (Creator of the Amero)
Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change)
Dan Dicks (Press For Truth)
Vijay Sarma (Political Activist, Independent Journalist)
Dr. Andrew Moulden (Canadian Action Party)
Richard Syrett (Talk Radio Host)

For more information visit:

Press For Truth Post G20 – The Truth Will Be Told
While the mainstream media continues their propaganda campaign in response to the G20 summit in Toronto, Press For Truth continues to be a voice and an outlet for the people who were victimized by the ISU the Toronto Police and the Canadian Government. As more stories of what transpired continue to emerge we will continue our efforts to document and expose the reality of what took place on the G20 summit weekend here in downtown Toronto.

For more information visit:

Caught In The Act – Ombudsman Report on the G20 Summit
On December 7th 2010 Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin released his final report on the G20 summit in Toronto Canada. “Caught in the Act” focuses on the misuse of a wartime regulation known as the Public Works Protection Act which led to the largest mass arrest in Canadian history and a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
“For the citizens of Toronto the days up to and including the weekend of the G8 and G20 will live in infamy as a time period where martial law set in the city of Toronto leading to the most massive compromise of civil liberties in Canadian history and we can never let that happen again” – Andre Marin.

For the full video of the report visit:

To see our coverage of the G20 please visit:

Stay tuned for our full length feature documentary on the G20 (coming 2011):
“Into The Fire” — Teaser:

“Into The Fire” — Teaser 2:

For more information visit:

G20 Toronto – The Fight For Civil Rights
Written by Dan Dicks
On Saturday July 10th I attended a rally at Queens Park to join the people of Toronto in demanding a public inquiry into the police tactics during the G20 summit weekend. I met a lot of patriotic Canadians who told me their stories of how their rights and civil liberties were violated by the police.
As the weeks move on more and more stories from victims of the police state are coming to light and more videos are beginning to provide evidence that the black block were given a green light to terrorise the city while police stood idly by. I posed this scenario to the panellists on an MTV program titled “Impact” and asked them for their views on the idea of undercover police officers being used as agent provocateurs in order to initiate the violence at an otherwise peaceful protest. One panellist responded quickly with the word “Montebello” which tells me that a lot of people are aware that the Canadian Government was caught red handed doing this before in Montebello Quebec at the SPP summit in 2007.
I produced a film called “The Nation’s Deathbed” which details the events that transpired at the SPP summit in Montebello and how the Quebec police had undercover officers dressed as aggressive protesters whose jobs were to be agent provocateurs.

Knowing that the Canadian government was capable of doing this again at the G20 summit in Toronto, I asked Constable George Tucker (who is in charge of the Toronto Police Unit and is working with the Integrated Security Unit which is an amalgamation of RCMP, OPP, Toronto Police Service, Military and CSIS) if he could assure me that the Toronto police would not use agent provocateurs at the G20 summit. Constable Tucker responded to my question by stating that he could not discuss security issues in an open format.
Canadians need to continue to remain vocal about what transpired at the G20 summit. I am glad to have met so many fellow patriots who told me their stories and we here at Press For Truth will continue our post G20 coverage for as long as it takes in order for the people of Canada to receive justice where justice is due.

Press For Truth G20 coverage:

The Nation’s Deathbed:

United We Fall:

For more information visit:

Press For Truth Arrest Update
PFT reporter Bryan Law gives an update about being arrested on May 2nd while shooting footage for our pre G20 report.

Press For Truth Arrested While Reporting On The G20 Summit:

For more information visit: