On Monday May 2nd Press For Truth members Steven Davies, Bryan Law and Dan Dicks went to Ottawa for the federal election. While in our nations capital we visited the Parliament building, the Brookstreet hotel and the Canadian site for the Echelon system.
United We Fall – Full Film:
United We Fall on DVD includes over two hours of special features such as deleted scenes, Director/Producer commentary, behind the music and more. Own your copy on DVD and then make copies and give them to your friends, family members and complete strangers.
United We Fall on DVD:
For more information visit:
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With the one year anniversary of the Toronto G20 summit quickly approaching The Toronto Police Services Board has called for an Independent Civilian Review on Matters Relating to the G20 Summit which is to be held in Toronto on June 1, 6, and 13, 2011.
Many participants expressed their views that this review is a sham and we will not be satisfied until there is a full federal public inquiry into the events that transpired last summer.
Watch “Into The Fire” for free right here:
Support the film makers by getting a copy on DVD:
Fore more information visit:
Join us on Saturday June 25th At Queens Park 2:00pm for a rally on the one year anniversary of the G20 summit in Toronto.
Organized by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) and Council of Canadians (CoC)
Press For Truth Presents the 3rd Annual Canada Day DVD Giveaway!
Join us at Dundas Square on Friday July 1 to hand out copies of the PFT trilogy:
The Nation’s Deathbed
United We Fall
Into The Fire
All three films available here:
Canadians all across the country will take it to the streets on Canada Day in an effort to raise awareness among our fellow Canadians about the issues that matter to them.
Organize a street action in your town and burn copies of our films to hand out for free on July 1rst.
Written by Dan Dicks
Revolution is in the air. More and more people around the world are taking a stand against corrupt government and challenging the system which seeks to enslave them. The people of Wisconsin are engaged in an epic battle against the State and when I walked into that Capital building to join them in solidarity it felt tremendously empowering. Their message was loud and clear and their voices shook the foundations of the Capital in more ways than one. Hundreds of police officers have recently joined the protest against Governor Walker and his Union busting dreams to strip collective bargaining powers from about 170,000 public employees. The power that lies in these pyramidal structures is found in the base. When free humanity decides to “step out” from the base of the pyramid, the system will inevitably come crashing down.
We traveled to Wisconsin to attend the Beloit International Film Festival where we presented our film “United We Fall” which deals with the push for deeper integration between Canada the US and Mexico through border integration and trade deals.
Get your copy of “United We Fall” on DVD at
For more information visit:
This is the third and final day for the public Independent Civilian Review held on June 13 2011 on matters relating to the G20 Summit which came to downtown Toronto.
Watch “Into The Fire”
For more information visit:
Press For Truth is releasing footage of Charlie Veitch’s incarceration at “Torontonamo Bay” for the public record because the Toronto Police and the Canadian government will not make it public. We feel that Canadians have a right to see this footage and with Charlies permission we are releasing all 19 hours for the public record.
1105 people were arrested in the largest mass arrest in Canadian history. These cages held approximately 40 people per cage.
Hold your officials accountable.
Demand a Federal Public Inquiry.
Watch our feature length documentary on the G20 summit “Into The Fire”
For more information visit:
A year has passed since the G20 summit came to downtown Toronto. Canadians joined together in solidarity at Queen’s Park to speak out against the injustices that took place in our city and to continue to push for a full public inquiry.
Watch our full length feature documentary on the G20 summit called “Into The Fire”
For more information visit:
Press For Truth Presents The World Theatrical Premiere of “Into The Fire”
Join us on Friday April 22nd 7:00pm at the Bloor Cinema in Toronto.
Join the Facebook Group and invite your friends:
Secure your tickets by getting them online at:
Or at the Bloor Cinema box office on the night of the event:
Bloor Cinema 506 Bloor Street W
World leaders and activists from around the world gathered for the G20 Summit. With over 19,000 police officers and security personnel on hand, the results lead to over 1100 arrests, martial law in downtown Toronto, and the most massive violation of civil liberties in Canadian history.
Into The Fire
The whole world is watching.
Into The Fire on DVD has over 3 hours of extras including never before seen footage of Charlie Veitch in Toronto, deleted scenes, extended interviews, a making of the soundtrack special feature and much more!
Pre order your copy today from pressfortruth.ca
Please support the film makers by getting your copy on DVD. Burn copies and hand them out to your friends, family members and total strangers!
Directed by Dan Dicks
Produced by Steven Davies Bryan Law and Dan Dicks
For more information visit:
To support alternative media you can donate here
or you can support Press For Truth by getting my films on DVD http://pressfortruth.ca/dvd.php