CISPA Is The New SOPA!! (
Congress is considering legislation that would give companies a free pass to monitor and collect communications, including huge amounts of personal data like your text messages and emails, and share that data with the government and anyone else. All a company has to do is claim its privacy violations were for “cybersecurity purposes” according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We must do everything we can to raise awareness about this bill so that it can be stopped just as we did with the SOPA and PIPA bills earlier this year.

Don’t Let Congress Use “Cybersecurity” Fears to Erode Digital Rights:

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth!/DanDicksPFT

Militarizing The Police And Bilderberg 2012 (
An unmanned Israeli-made military drone is buzzing Alma, Quebec. Aeronautics Ltd. of Israel has teamed up with Montreal-based CAE Inc. to demonstrate civilian uses for the military drone according to the Star. The militarization of our police force is a slippery slope that will inevitably lead to a loss of civil liberties. Meanwhile the Bilderberg group is set to host their annual meeting From May 31 to June 3 in Chantilly Virginia.

Unmanned aerial drone being tested in Quebec for civilian uses:–unmanned-aerial-drone-being-tested-in-quebec-for-civilian-uses

Interview with Paul Joseph Watson:

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth!/DanDicksPFT

Green Is The New Red! (
The environmentalist movement has been hijacked by the international globalists as a way to unite us under a common cause and to fine and tax the people of the world for their carbon emissions. The city of Toronto has voted on a motion to ban plastic bags by 2013!

Toronto bans plastic bags by 2013:

Miami Beach passes recycling ordinance:

Ban On Bags Facebook group:

Watch The Great Global Warming Swindle:

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth!/DanDicksPFT

Robocall Election Fraud – Stephen Harper You Are Fired! (
The conservative party has engaged in electoral fraud by organizing the robocall scandal which placed automated phone calls to non conservatives instructing them to go to the wrong polling stations on election day. Canadians should be outraged that Harper stole the election and should consider his government to be illegitimate. Sign the petition so that we can have a full independent public inquiry which will hold Stephen Harper accountable and ultimately remove him from the government:

Watch “Into The Fire”

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth!/DanDicksPFT

Police State Rising (
The encroaching police state emerged once again this weekend in Montreal Quebec with more violent clashes between protesters and police. Bill 78 is one of the most Draconian laws Quebec has ever seen which amounts to the criminalization of dissent. Meanwhile at the NATO summit in downtown Chicago Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change was surrounded by police and had guns drawn on him after a long day of live streaming on the front lines of the protest. Also after 2 years of investigations Toronto Police officers will soon be held accountable for their misconduct during the G20 summit.

Montreal protesters defy demo law and clash with police:

Quebec police pepper spray innocent bystanders:

Quebec police pepper spray bar patrons on a patio:

Guns Drawn on Journalists, Car Raided at NATO:

We Are Change Live Stream:

We Are Change Youtube Channel:

G20 charges coming against Toronto police commanders:

Watch “Into The fire”

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth!/DanDicksPFT

2012 Conference of Montreal – A Global Economy in Transition
In the middle of the Montreal uprising international bankers from all over the world are meeting to discuss “New Strategies and New Partnerships” in the face of the “global economy”. On a last minute whim and unequipped with minimal gear (no mics, a cell phone camera and a camcorder) I traveled to Montreal with the hopes of getting into the conference bright and early to ask the delegates some questions but I was met with a fortress of security.
The International Economic Forum of the Americas:

I am currently in need of some gear to ensure that these types of events get covered properly. Support Press For Truth by making a contribution (more like an investment) at the “Chip In” here:

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth!/DanDicksPFT

The Monsanto Monopoly
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Companies affiliated with Monsanto:

Watch “The World According To Monsanto”

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth!/DanDicksPFT

CISPA Has Passed! (
Yesterday the House of Representatives passed the CISPA bill which will now go to the senate for a final vote. The bill would allow the government to monitor your online activity if it constitutes a “security threat”. This has nothing to do with protecting copy righted material and everything to do with blocking the free flow of information online.

Insanity: CISPA Just Got Way Worse, And Then Passed On Rushed Vote:

CISPA supporters list: 800+ companies that could help Uncle Sam snag your data:

Sign The Petition:

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth!/DanDicksPFT

Press For Truth Presents: The New World Order Of The 21st Century
The agenda for a one world government is advancing at an exponential rate as it continues to unfold under the radar. Sovereign nation’s like the US now seek “”international permission,” instead of “congressional approval” to provide a legal basis for combat. When the military takes it’s orders from international governing authorities instead of congress or the president then it is safe to say that the new world order has arrived.

Obama Admin Cites ‘Int’l Permission,’ Not Congress, As ‘Legal Basis’ For Action In Syria:

Watch “United We Fall”

“United We Fall” on DVD:

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth!/DanDicksPFT

Dan Dicks with Paul Joseph Watson on Prison Planet Live
Help Press for Truth cover Bilderberg! Contribute to the “Chip In” here:

Occupy Bilderberg 2012:

The annual Bilderberg conference is taking place from May 31 to June 3 in Chantilly Virginia. Help send Dan and Steve of Press For Truth to provide coverage of this important meeting of some of the worlds most powerful and influential people. We can’t do this without your help! Support Press For Truth by contributing to our “Chip In”

Occupy Bilderberg on facebook:

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth!/DanDicksPFT