“United We Fall” – Trailer

Press for Truth proudly presents “United We Fall”

United We Fall is a film which explores the agenda for a North American Union and a One World Government.
We present information from all sides of the issue by speaking with both politicians and academics as well as investigative journalists and political activists.
Will a North American Union be beneficial to you and your family, or will it be the downfall of three sovereign nations?
You be the Judge.
Coming in 2010
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Canadian Action Party leader Dr. Andrew Moulden discusses the North American Union 1/3

This is a first look at the new leader of the Canadian Action Party Dr. Andrew Moulden.
Dr. Moulden is an Ontario Graduate scholar, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Research Counsel of Canada scholar, Ontario Mental Health Foundation scholar, I.O.D.E. International Order of the Daughters of the Empire scholar, and graduated at the very top of the class during his BA, MA, and PhD degrees. He has received over 27 awards for biomedical research, clinical, teaching, and academic excellence. His philosophy is Its not about being better than ones fellow man, its about helping ones fellow man become better.
We asked Dr. Moulden about his views on the North American Union and what Canadians can do to stop it. http://www.canadianactionparty.ca/

For more information visit http://pressfortruth.ca/

Press For Truth Confronts Paul Martin on Bilderberg and the SPP

I recently confronted former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin during a lecture at Western University in London Ontario.

I questioned him on his Bilderberg attendance and the signing of the Security and Prosperity Partnership.I also gave him a copy of The Nation’s Deathbed which Martin promised to watch.

View the trailer of the film here:
Full film here:

Visit http://pressfortruth.ca for more info

Dan Dicks from Press for Truth Confronting Jean Chretien

After seeing Chretien receive a copy of Loose change final cut in Vancouver I went to Indigo books along with Toronto911truth and White Buffalo films,on December 8th 2007 to ask him a few questions

Bilderberg member caught on tape

This is a Bilderberg member who came out for a stroll, notice how he covers his name tag, also at one point he looks right into my camera, smirks and shakes his head (1:28). I am not positive on his identity, but it could be Adrian Wooldridge (economist)