What Caused The Fort McMurray Fire?

Like virtually every problem in this country, the blame rests on state control, and the Fort McMurray fires are no exception.
The fire began on May 3rd, where it swept through the region destroying over 2000 homes, forcing the largest wildfire evacuation in Alberta’s history.
But what factors made this fire so destructive?

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#202- 1252 Burrard St.
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Exposing The Hypocrisy – How To School An SJW

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Richard Heathen of Liberty Machine News about the event he organised which was meant to feature Augustus Invictus but was instead met by a counter group “Antifa” who showed up to oppose his event.

Watch “Social Justice Warriors Piss On Your Free Speech – Lauren Southern Attacked”

To learn more from Richard visit:

Support Press For Truth by becoming a PFT Patron at http://www.patreon.com/PressForTruth
Shout out goes to some of my first PFT Patrons Martin Hill, Halvor Dingsøyr and Maverick Wilson!

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Press For Truth
#202- 1252 Burrard St.
Vancouver BC, V6Z 1Z1

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Social Justice Warriors Piss On Your Free Speech – Lauren Southern Attacked

On Friday March 4th 2016 a group of SJW’s and feminist gathered outside the Railway Club in Vancouver where a man named Augustus Invictus was scheduled to give a talk. He was stopped at the Canadian border and refused entry on the grounds that he “has no legitimate reason to enter the country and will just cause trouble.” This didn’t stop the social justice warriors from bringing the trouble anyways as rebel media reporter Lauren Southern was assaulted when a girl decided to dump a bottle of piss water all over her. It’s a very sad day in Canada when a man can be denied entry into a country and a women can be assaulted by the feminazi all because of their opinions.

Support Press For Truth by becoming a PFT Patron at http://www.patreon.com/PressForTruth
Shout out goes to some of my first PFT Patrons Martin Hill, Halvor Dingsøyr and Maverick Wilson!

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Press For Truth
#202- 1252 Burrard St.
Vancouver BC, V6Z 1Z1

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Suing The Bank – What’s Next For The Canadian Money Masters?

The Bank of Canada is facing a lawsuit which seeks to restore it to it’s originally intended purpose…how will this impact the international bankers and is this going to truly benefit Canadians who are seeking to “take the power back”? To discus this and more Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews economist and documentary filmmaker Bill Still.

Watch “The Money Masters”

Check out Bill’s channel:

Watch our previous coverage on the Bank of Canada case:

Comer Vs The Bank of Canada

The Case To Reinstate The Bank Of Canada

The Case Against The Bank Of Canada

Become a PFT Patron at http://www.patreon.com/PressForTruth
Shout out goes to one of my first PFT Patrons Martin Hill!

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Veteran force vaccinated after arrest at Bilderberg

Forced shots!
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We receive no sponsorships or funding from anyone and rely on you the viewer to help us continue to do this work. With your help I can continue to make videos and documentary films for youtube that are raising awareness all over the world. Please support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV!

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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks – Founder of Press For Truth



Press For Truth Confronts “Officer Bubbles”

Written by Dan Dicks
The G20 Summit in Toronto will never be forgotten for many Canadians who witnessed the destruction of everything that makes us proud and patriotic. Our rights were violated, our city was terrorized and our police force have demonstrated that absolute power corrupts absolutely as in the case with Officer A. Josephs aka “Officer Bubbles”.
On September 11th 2010 Press For Truth videographer Bryan Law questioned Officer Bubbles about his behavior during the G20 summit to which he responded “I did my job, I’m a Police Officer”. At the time we felt that releasing a video would only further distract people away from the real issues of the G20 by focusing on the bubbles spectacle…however in light of the fact that Officer Bubbles has recently launched a 1.2 Million dollar lawsuit against YouTube in which 25 people are involved for leaving comments we felt it was time to show the world what Josephs had to say about his job, the infamous bubbles incident and his views on the police state.

For more information visit:

United We Fall Premiere Reviews

United We Fall on DVD includes over two hours of special features such as deleted scenes, Director/Producer commentary, behind the music and more.
Own your copy on DVD and then make copies and give them to your friends, family members and complete strangers.
Support the film makers and get your copy on DVD:

United We Fall is a documentary about a North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. In recent years, the mood has shifted and a rift is developing between those who want a deeply integrated North American community, and those who wish to retain their national sovereignty.

This film takes a look at both sides of the issue by interviewing insiders such as members of the secretive Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission and the Council On Foreign Relations and also journalists and activists such as Luke Rudkowski, Alex Jones and producer Dan Dicks who have been at the heart of this heated debate.

The film also explores the global elite’s broader agenda for the formation of a One World Government.

Will a North American Union be beneficial to you and your family, or will it be the downfall of three sovereign nations? You be the judge.

United We Fall.
Three Nations. Two Sides. One Union.

For more information visit: