BREAKING: Man Arrested At Trudeau Residence Rideau Hall Was ACTIVE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES MEMBER!!!

The man arrested yesterday at the prime ministers residence is an actively contracted member of the Canadian military and he was upset with the lockdown measures due to Covid-19 that hurt his business where he was owner of GrindHouse Fine Foods. The reservist from Manitoba on a full-time contract with the Canadian Forces will face multiple charges, and was scheduled to appear in bail court on Friday morning. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth looks at the case and compares it to previous Canadian examples where military men or potential RCMP agents either lose their minds and go rogue or they’re doing the bidding of their bosses in the RCMP and high ranking military.

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Armed Couple Facing BLM Mob SPEAK OUT “We Were In FEAR OF OUR LIVES…The Agitators…WERE WHITE”!!!

When an angry and unruly BLM mob trespassed onto private property homeowners Mark and Patricia McCloskey armed themselves to protect their lives and their property after the mob uttered threats that they would kill them. Mark and Patricia McCloskey are personal-injury lawyers who work together in the McCloskey Law Center in St. Louis. The couple is receiving both praise and criticism online: some people are supporting them for protecting their property. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth reads the couple’s official statements regarding what happened and why they did what they did as tensions are still escalating in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

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#Twexit Say Goodbye To CENSORSHIP As PARLER Provides Platform For CONSERVATIVE VOICES!!!

There is currently a massive exodus taking place on Twitter as hundreds of thousands of users are moving to Parler, a Twitter competitor who promises to be censorship free for voices on the left AND the right! According to their website: “Parler is a non-biased free speech driven entity. Our goal is to offer the world a platform that protects user’s rights, supports publishers and builds online communities,”. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why its a good idea to hedge oneself against censorship by joining alternative platforms that are outside of the major tech conglomerate control grid! Follow Dan on Parler here and join the #Twexit revolution!

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Albert Pike is highly revered among Freemasons all over the world, he is the author of Morals And Dogma which many consider to be the bible of freemasonry. On the evening of June 19th 2020 the statue was toppled, spray painted and set on fire by protesters who wanted it removed because of Pike’s racist history. Just one week later President Donald Trump personally requested that THAT particular statue (of all the ones recently defaced) should be resurrected immediately and those responsible for taking it down should be arrested. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why erasing history by toppling statues is a bad idea while also explaining Pike’s true motives and intentions by reading from his own words which raises serious questions as to why Trump would want to erect Pike’s statue over all the rest.

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July 1st 2020 Canada Day Ottawa FREEDOM RALLY With Press For Truth!

This Canada Day thousands of Canadians will come together, not in celebration of the country, but rather to protest the downfall of civil liberties and the degradation of society under the Trudeau government. The prime minister is a feminist/SJW/trans rights activist/socialist who somehow managed to infiltrate the Canadian political system and become leader of the country! Join Dan Dicks this Canada Day at Parliament Hill in Ottawa for the Tyranny Or Freedom Rally starting at 11am on July 1st!

We hope to see you there!

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BOMBSHELL REPORT: Transactions Reveal Nova Scotia Shooter May Have Been RCMP INFORMANT OR AGENT!!!

The withdrawal of $475,000 in cash by the man who killed 22 Nova Scotians in April matches the method the RCMP uses to send money to confidential informants and agents, sources say.

Gabriel Wortman, who is responsible for the largest mass killing in Canadian history, withdrew the money from a Brink’s depot in Dartmouth, N.S., on March 30, stashing a carryall filled with hundred-dollar bills in the trunk of his car. About 3 weeks later he was killed by police after carrying out the largest mass shooting in Canadian history. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down the claims being made by Macleans about the shooters involvement with the RCMP while showing some past examples of how the RCMP have been caught red handed doing these things before which suggests the very real possibility that the Nova Scotia shooting was a false flag operation designed to enforce strict gun control laws.

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Jagmeet Singh Is Free To Be An Idiot If He Chooses…

Jagmeet Singh is an idiot and in a free society where we hold politicians accountable for their actions we’re also free to call him out for being one! Singh who is the leader of the New Democratic Party was kicked out of the house of commons after calling another member of parliament racist! When asked if he would apologize Singh doubled down on his wild accusation by claiming that ANYONE who disagrees with his position that there is systemic racism in the RCMP is a racist! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why Jameet Singh is not only wrong but also how he’s contributing to the race divide and fanning the flames of a race war.

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When society has good intentions that challenge the status quo, the powers that ought not to be know how to steer those intentions into areas that will benefit them. Case in point, the Chaz/Chop occupation of Seattle started out with good anti government sentiments but the protesting occupiers quickly became the very governing authorities among each other that they claim to be against. Border walls, check points, the removal of opposing views, censorship and violence have become the norm as  the occupiers focus on themselves rather than the real enemy. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth proves that these occupiers are becoming everything they claim to be against while attempting to shift the focus back onto who the real enemy is!…private international Banksters who loan to countries at interest by printing money out of thin air.

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MUST SEE: It’s Not About RACE, or LEFT or RIGHT! It’s About YOU And ME VS THE STATE!!!

The death of George Floyd has sparked widespread anger all over the world and this has caused a number of Black Lives Matter and Anti Police Brutality rallies to form and fight for injustice. Over time, the rallying calls of the protesters quickly turned to violence as rioters and looters coerced their worthy cause (that was about the citizens vs the state) into a fight between each other. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shares an important message about how we’ve gotten to this point, what we need to do to come together and most importantly who the real enemy is!

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