Cops Point Guns at Journalists After Shooting in Canada

Dan Dicks reports live from outside Parliament in Ottawa. Follow Dan Dicks: on Facebook ➜ on Instagram ➜ on Twitter ➜!/DanDicksPFT ➜ Subscribe: Youtube ➜ Press For Truth TV ➜ Support Press For Truth: Donate ➜ Get PFT Gear ➜ If you do not use PayPal or […]

The Canadian Gun Grab (From An American Perspective)

The RCMP have re-classified the Swiss Arms Classic Green carbine, as a “prohibited” weapon and approximately 20 other guns are soon to be on the chopping block as they are preparing to collect these guns by turning thousands of law abiding Canadians into criminals overnight. While at CPAC 2014 Dan Dicks of Press For Truth […]

Should Gay Couples Be Able To Protect Their Marijuana Plants With Guns?

In this exclusive first interview with the newly elected leader of the Libertarian Party of Canada Dan Dicks of Press For Truth sits down with party leader Tim Moen to learn more about their ideas of liberty and how it applies to Canadians. For more information from Tim Moen visit: Help PFT Cover Bilderberg […]

Guns Are Not Your Enemy

Is Gun control really about safety? Then why are non-gun owners statistically more dangerous than gun owners? Shawn Bevins lays down the facts as PFT …

New Smoking Gun!!! 911 2007

This is an interview given by a man who was in WTC2. He witnessed fires in the elevators before a plane hit!!