21 PILOTS CAVE TO BLM: “I’m Truly Sorry If It Hurt Anyone” As CANCEL CULTURE Enters New Phase!!!

Tyler Joseph of the band 21 Pilots recently found himself in some hot water after posting tweets in response to his fans demands that he uses his platforms to promote Black Lives Matter. Joseph went on to post a picture of himself wearing platforms shows as if to jokingly say ok, I’ll use my platforms…this enraged the internet so the 21 Pilots lead singer apologized then kowtowed to the mob by stating “I’m truly sorry if it hurt anyone…in case you are wondering where i stand: Black Lives Matter.” In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why you should never apologize to a mob for the sake of pleasing the mob because cancel culture is entering a new phase and we need to deal with it now before it gets way out of control!  WATCH ON BITCHUTE ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/video/EjkpQUmb7P0P/ WATCH ON FLOTE ➜ https://flote.app/post/adc8ea33-3a25-4969-b1e3-7a0613b7f804 WATCH ON LBRY ➜ https://open.lbry.com/@PressForTruth:4/21-PILOTS-CAVE-TO-BLM-:f?r=Asz58NjXpW5PQbcZm1V3LyXr47GbA16s WATCH ON MINDS ➜ https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1148324584732184576?referrer=pressfortruth


The father who can not be named is now facing a potential 45 days in jail for a breach on the publication ban as he continues to do interviews in an effort to expose the world to the horrific practices being done at the hands of the schools, the councillors, the doctors and the LGBTQ lawyers and activist judges! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with the father who is referred to by the courts as C.D and his lawyer Carey Linde about the case, where it’s at today and the importance of engaging in civil disobedience when it comes to the state attacking the family unit! 
WATCH ON BITCHUTE ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/video/MyNtruNPO6fc/
WATCH ON FLOTE ➜ https://flote.app/post/b1996ef2-44c5-45cb-a819-00aaea075553
WATCH ON LBRY ➜ https://open.lbry.com/@PressForTruth:4/Father-Speaks-Out:5?r=Asz58NjXpW5PQbcZm1V3LyXr47GbA16s
WATCH ON MINDS ➜ https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1147999346174660608?referrer=pressfortruth